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Otevírací doba
Všechny dny 09:00 – 18:00
Když lidé mluví o rybách, rychle nastanou potíže s různými názvy v různých jazycích. To je nejdůležitější důvod, proč mají různé organismy vědecký (latinský) název.
Zde naleznete názvy většiny druhů ryb, které žijí v Norsku nebo se sporadicky objevují podél našeho dlouhého pobřeží. Přeloženo do latiny, angličtiny a němčiny.
latinský |
Angličtina |
Němec |
Perca fluviatilis | Perch | Barsch |
Engraulis encrasicolus | Anchovy | Anchovis |
Aspius aspius | Asp | Rapfen |
Auxis rochei | Frigate mackerel, bullet tuna | Fregatt Makrele |
Balistes carolinensis | Grey triggerfish | Schweine Drückerfisch |
Sphyraena sphyraena | European barracuda | Barracuda |
Lampetra planeri | Brook lamprey | Bachneunauge |
Salvelinus fontinalis | Brook trout | Bachsaibling |
Labrus bergylta | Ballan wrasse | Gefleckter Lippfisch |
Pomatoschistus pictus | Painted goby | Flecken grundel |
Ctenolabrus rupestris | Goldsinny wrasse | Klippenbarsch |
Beryx decadactylus | Alfonsino | Beryx |
Prionace glauca | Blue shark | Blauhai |
Helicolenus dactylopterus | Bluemouth | Blaumaul |
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Greenland halibut, blue halibut | Schwartzer Heilbutt |
Molva dypterygia | Blue ling | Blauleng |
Anarhichas denticulatus | Jellycat, northern wolf-fish | Blauer Katfisch, Wasserkat |
Labrus bimaculatus | Cuckoo wrasse | Kuckucks Lippfisch |
Abramis brama | Bream | Brachse |
Lophius piscatorius | Angler | Seeteufel |
Sprattus sprattus | Sprat | Sprotte |
Brosme brosme | Tusk, cusk, torsk | Lumb |
Cetorhinus maximus | Basking shark | Riesenhai |
Acantholabrus palloni | Scale-rayed wrasse | – |
Lycodes eudipleurostictus | Doubleline eelpout | – |
Salvelinus namaycusch | Lake trout | Amerikanische Seeforelle |
Diplecogaster bimaculata | Two-spotted clingfish | Ansauger |
Aphanopus carbo | Black scabbardfish | Schwarzer degenfish |
Ameiurus nebulosus | Brown bullhead | Zergwelz |
Taurulus bubalis | Long-spined sea-scorpion | Seebull |
Epigonus telescopus | Bullseye | – |
Lampetra fluviatilis | River lamprey | Flussneunauge |
Schedophilus medusophagus | Cornish blackfish | – |
Ciliata mustela | Five-bearded rockling | Fünfbärtelige seequappe |
Rhinonemus cimbrius | Four-bearded rockling | Vierbärtelige seequappe |
Trachinus draco | Greater weever | Petermännchen |
Pagellus bogaraveo | Red (sea) bream | Meerbrasse |
Raja montagui | Spotted ray | Fläckrochen |
Anarhichas minor | Spotted wolf-fish | Gefleckter Katfish |
Abramis [Blicca] bjoerkna | White bream | Blicke |
Cheilopogon heterurus | Mediterranean flying-fish | – |
Callionymus maculatus | Spotted dragonet | Gefleckter Leierfisch |
Callionymus reticulatus | Reticulated dragonet | – |
Callionymus lyra | Dragonet | Gestreifter Leierfisch |
Trachinotus ovatus | Derbio | – |
Hippoglossoides platessoides | Long rough dab | Doggerscharbe |
Esox lucius | Pike | Hecht |
Sander [Stizostedion] lucioperca | Zander, pike-perch | Zander |
Aphia minuta | Transparent goby | Glasgrundel |
Buglossidium luteum | Solenette | Zwegzunge |
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis | Megrim | Flügelbutt |
Gymnammodytes semisquamatus | Smooth sandeel | Nacktsandaal |
Gymnocanthus tricuspis | Arctic staghorn sculpin | – |
Centrolabrus exoletus | Rock cook | Kleinmäuliger Lippfisch |
Symphodus melops | Corkwing wrasse | Schwarzugiger Lippfisch |
Galeorhinus galeus | Tope | Hundshai |
Deania calceus | Birdbeak dogfish | – |
Bathyraja spinicauda | Spine-tailed ray | Grönlandrochen |
Anarhichas lupus | Wolf-fish, catfish | Katfish, seewolf |
Leuciscus leuciscus | Dace | Hasel |
Carassius auratus | Goldfish | Goldfish |
Liza aurata | Golden gray mullet | Goldmeeräsch |
Thymallus thymallus | Grayling | Äsche |
Dicentrarchus labrax | Bass, seabass | Seebarsch |
Brama brama | Atlantic pomfret, Ray´s bream | Brachsenmakrele |
Squatina squatina | Monkfish, angel shark | Meerengel |
Nesiarchus nasutus | Black gemfish, Johnson´s scabbardfish | – |
Spondyliosoma cantharus | Black seabream | Seekarpfe |
Chimaera monstrosa | Ratfish | Seeratte, Seekatze |
Petromyzon marinus | Sea lamprey | Meerneunauge |
Nerophis lumbriciformis | Worm pipefish | Wurmfish |
Nerophis ophidion | Straight-nosed pipefish | Kleine Schlangennadel |
Entelurus aequoreus | Snake pipefish | Grosse schlangennadel |
Ammodytes marinus | Lesser sandeel | Kleiner Sandaal |
Lycenchelys muraena | – | – |
Conger conger | Conger | Meeraal, Conger |
Gymnocephalus cernuus | Ruffe | Kaulbarsch |
Belone belone | Garfish | Hornhechte |
Chirolophis ascanii | Yarrels´s blenny | Stachelrücken |
Triglopsis quadricornis | Fourhorn sculpin | Vierhörniger Seeskorpion |
Chauliodus sloani | Sloane´s viperfish | – |
Cyclothone alba | – | – |
Cottus gobio | Bullhead, Miller´s thumb | Groppe |
Mustelus asterias | Starry smoth-hound | Glatthai |
Dipturus [Raja] linteus | Sailray, sharp-nosed skate | Weissroche |
Merlangius merlangus | Whiting | Wittling |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Haddock | Schellfish |
Taractes asper | Rough pomfret | – |
Lamna nasus | Porbeagle | Heringshai |
Galeus melanostomus | Blackmouth catshark | Schwarzmundiger Hundshai |
Somniosus microcephalus | Greenland shark | Grönlandhai |
Zeugopterus punctatus | Topknot | Haarbutt |
Macrourus berglax | Rough-headed grenadier | Rauhköpfiger Grenadierfisch |
Amblyraja [Raja] hyperborea | Arctic skate | Eisrochen |
Arctogadus glacialis | Arctic cod | – |
Hexanchus griseus | Bluntnose six-gill shark | Sechskiemerhai |
Syngnathus rostellatus | Lesser pipefish | Kleine Seenadel |
Syngnathus acus | Greater pipefish | Grosse Seenadel |
Cyprinus carpio | Common carp | Karpfen |
Carassius carassius | Crucian carp | Karausche |
Oncorhynchus keta | Chum salmon | Hundslachs |
Amblyraja radiata | Starry skate, thorny skate | Sternrochen |
Chelidonichthys [Aspitrigla] cuculus | Red gurnard | Kuckucksknurrhahn |
Chelidonichthys [Eutrigla] gurnardus | Grey gurnard | Knurrhahn |
Triglops pingelii | Ribbed sculpin | – |
Triglops murrayi | Moustache sculpin | – |
Micromesistius poutassou | Blue whiting | Blauer Wittling |
Chlamydoselachus anguineus | Frill shark | Kragenhai |
Artediellus atlanticus | Atlantic hook-eared sculpin | – |
Crystallogobius linearis | Crystal goby | Kristallgrundel |
Osmerus eperlanus | Smelt | Binnenstint |
Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic halibut | Heilbutt |
Liparis montagui | Montagu´s sea-snail | Kleiner Scheibenbausch |
Coregonus albula | Vendace | Kleine Maräne |
Lota lota | Burbot | Quappe, Rutte |
Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon | Lachs |
Maurolicus muelleri | Pearlsides | Lachshering |
Lampris guttatus | Opah | Gotteslachs |
Notolepis rissoi | Ribbon barracudina | – |
Paralepis coregonoides | Sharpchin barracudina, lancet fish | – |
Molva molva | Ling | Leng |
Lumpenus lumpretaeformis | Snake blenny | Spitzschwänziger Bandfisch |
Alburnus alburnus | Bleak | Laube, Ukelei |
Pomatoschistus microps | Common goby | Strandgrundel |
Mallotus villosus | Capelin | Lodde |
Microstomus kitt | Lemon sole | Rotzunge |
Naucrates ductor | Pilotfish | Lotsenfisch |
Sebastes viviparus | Norway redfish | Kleiner Rotbarsch |
Luvarus imperialis | Luvar | – |
Pollachius pollachius | Pollack | Polack |
Trigla lyra | Piper gurnard | Leierknurrhahn |
Merluccius merluccius | Hake | Seehecht |
Lampanyctus macdonaldi | Rakery beaconlamp | – |
Myctophum punctatum | Spotted lanternfish | – |
Benthosema glaciale | Glacier lanternfish | Lanternenfisch |
Notoscopelus kroeyeri | Kroyer´s lanternfish, lancet fish | – |
Alosa alosa | Allis shad | Alse, Maifisch |
Scomber scombrus | Mackerel | Makrele |
Scomberesox saurus | Atlantic saury | Makrelenhecht |
Isurus oxyrinchus | Shortfin mako | Makrelenhai |
Thunnus thynnus | Northern bluefin tuna | Thunfisch |
Rutilus rutilus | Roach | Rotauge, Plötze |
Pomatoschistus norvegicus | Norway goby | – |
Mullus surmuletus | Striped red mullet | Meerbarbe |
Chelon labrosus | Thicklip grey mullet | Dicklippige meeräsche |
Liza ramada | Thinlip mullet | Dünnlippige meeräsche |
Mola mola | Ocean sunfish | Mondfisch |
Leucoaja [Raja] fullonica | Shagreen ray | Chagrinrochen |
Lycodes reticulatus | Arctic eelpout | – |
Pungitius pungitius | Ninespine stickleback | Zwergstichling |
Lethenteron japonicum | Arctic lamprey | – |
Protomyctophum arcticum | Arctic telescope | – |
Boops boops | Bogue | Gelbstriemen |
Raniceps raninus | Tadpole fish | Froschdorsch |
Cottunculus microps | Polar sculpin | |
Agonus cataphractus | Pogge, hooknose | Steinpicker |
Sarda sarda | Atlantic bonito | Unechter bonito, Pelamide |
Argyropelecus hemigymnus | Hatchetfish | – |
Argyropelecus aculeatus | Lovely hatchetfish, Atl. silver hatchetfish | – |
Argyropelecus olfersii | Silver hatchetfish | Silberbeil |
Squalus acanthias | Spurdog | Dornhai |
Buenia jeffreysii | Jeffrey´s goby | – |
Raja clavata | Thornback ray | Dornrochen |
Micrenophrys lilljeborgii | Norway bullhead | Zwergseeskorpion |
Psetta maxima | Turbot | Steinbutt |
Notacanthus chemnitzii | Spiny eel | – |
Dasyatis pastinaca | Common stingray | Stechrochen |
Liparis fabricii | Gelatinous snailfish | – |
Boreogadus saida | Polar cod, arctic cod | Polardorsch |
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha | Pink salmon | Buckellachs |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow trout | Regenbogenforelle |
Leucaspius delineatus | Sunbleak, belica | Moderlieschen |
Benthodesmus elongatus | Frostfish | – |
Alopias vulpinus | Thresher shark | Fuchshai |
Careproctus longipinnis | Longfin seasnail | – |
Careproctus reinhardti | Sea tadpole | – |
Paraliparis bathybius | Black seasnail | – |
Liparis liparis | Common seasnail | Grosser Scheibenbauch |
Cyclopteropsis macalpini | Arctic lumpsucker | – |
Cyclopterus lumpus | Lumpsucker | Seehase |
Anisarchus medius | Stout eel-blenny | – |
Rajaella [Raja] fyllae | Round ray | Fyllasrochen |
Thorogobius ephippiatus | Leopard-spotted goby | – |
Chelidonichthys [Trigla] lucerna | Tub gurnard | Roter Knurrhahn |
Pleuronectes platessa | Plaice | Scholle |
Salvelinus alpinus | Charr | Saibling |
Limanda limanda | Dab | Scharbe, Kliesche |
Gobio gobio | Gudgeon | Gründling |
Pomatoschistus minutus | Sand goby | Sandgrundel |
Leucoraja [Raja] circularis | Sandy ray | Sandrochen |
Cobitis taenia | Spined loach | Dorngrundel |
Sardina pilchardus | Pilchard | Sardine, Pilchard |
Histrio histrio | Frogfish | – |
Pollachius virens | Coalfish, saithe | Köhler |
Coregonus lavaretus | Common whitefish | Grosse Maräne |
Clupea harengus | Herring | Hering |
Regalecus glesne | King of herrings, oarfish | Riemenfisch |
Cryptosaras couesi | Sea devil | – |
Trisopterus luscus | Pouting, bib | Bartdorsch |
Phycis blennoides | Greater forkbeard | Gabeldorsch |
Lycodes squamiventer | Scalebelly eelpout | – |
Coryphaenoides rupestris | Roundnose grenadier | Grenadierfisch |
Platichthys flesus | Flounder | Flunder, butt |
Scophthalmus rhombus | Brill | Glatbutt, Kleist |
Myxine glutinosa | Hagfish | Inger |
Lepidopus caudatus | Silver scabbard-fish | Degenfish |
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | Witch | Rotzunge |
Scyliorhinus canicula | Lesser-spotted dogfish | Kleingefelckter Katzenhai |
Ammodytes tobianus | Lesser sand-eel | Tobiasfish, Kleiner Sandaal |
Malacocephalus laevis | Softhead grenadier | – |
Phrynorhombus norvegicus | Norwegian topknot | Zwergbutt |
Sebastes mentella | Deepwater redfish | – |
Nemichthys scolopacea | Snipe eel | – |
Echiodon drummondi | Pearlfish | Eingeweidefisch |
Dalatias licha | Kitefin shark | – |
Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus | Black-spotted grenadier | – |
Lesuerigobius friesii | Fries´ goby | – |
Dipturus [Raja] oxyrinchus | Long-nosed skate | Spitzschnauzen-rochen |
Gymnelus retrodorsalis | – | – |
Zeus faber | John dory | Petersfisch |
Leuciscus cephalus | Chub | Döbel |
Alosa fallax | Twaite shad | Finte |
Cottus poecilopus | Alpine bullhead | Sibirische Groppe |
Scyliorhinus stellaris | Large-spotted dogfish, bull huss | Grossgefleckter Katzenhai |
Lycodes seminudus | Longear eelpout | – |
Stomias boa | Scaly dragonfish | – |
Hyperoplus lanceolatus | Greater sandeel | Grosser Sandaal |
Dipturus [Raja] batis | Common skate | Glattrochen |
Gaidropsarus mediterraneus | Shore rockling | – |
Argentina sphyraena | Argentine | Silberfisch |
Acipenser sturio | Atlantic sturgeon | Stör |
Remora remora | Common remora | – |
Tinca tinca | Tench | Schleie |
Centrolophus niger | Blackfish | – |
Etmopterus spinax | Velvet belly | – |
Eumicrotremus derjugini | Letherfin lumpsucker | – |
Gobius niger | Black goby | Schwartzgrundel |
Dipturus [Raja] nidrosiensis | Norwegian skate | – |
Xiphias gladius | Swordfish | Schwertfisch |
Trisopterus minutus | Poor cod | Zwergdorsch |
Pterycombus brama | Silver pomfret | Silberbrassen |
Trachipterus arcticus | Dealfish | Brandfisch |
Onogadus argentatus | Silvery rockling | – |
Gadiculus argenteus | Silvery cod | – |
Scardinius erythrophthalmus | Rudd | Rotfeder |
Trigloporus lastoviza | Streaked gurnard | Gestreifter Knurrhahn |
Trachurus trachurus | Horse mackerel | Bastardmakrele, Stöcker |
Ciliata septentrionalis | Northern rockling | – |
Gobiusculus flavescens | Two-spotted goby | Schnappgrundel |
Lipophrys pholis | Shanny | Schleimlerche |
Syngnathus typhle | Deep-snouted pipefish | Schmalsnäuziger Seenadel |
Pholis gunnellus | Gunnel, butterfish | Butterfisch |
Spinachia spinachia | Fifteen-spined stickleback | Seestichling |
Theragra finnmarchica | Norwegian pollock | – |
Leptagonus decagonus | Atlantic poacher | – |
Icelus bicornis | Twohorn sculpin | – |
Gadus morhua | Cod | Dorsch |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Three-spined stickleback | Dreistachliger Stichling |
Gaidropsarus vulgaris | Three-bearded rockling | Dreibärtelige Seequappe |
Macrorhamphosus scolopax | Longspine spinefish | – |
Trichiurus lepturus | Hairtail | Haarschwanz |
Solea solea | Common sole | Seezunge, Zunge |
Arnoglossus laterna | Scaldfish | Lammzunge |
Euthynnus alleteratus | Little tunny | Thonin |
Leptoclinus maculatus | Spotted snake blenny | – |
Hyperoglyphe perciformis | Barrelfish | – |
Sebastes marinus | Red-fish | Rotbarsch |
Myoxocephalus scorpius | Short-spined sea scorpion | Gemeiner Seescorpion |
Lebetus scorpioides | Diminutive goby | – |
Lycodes esmarkii | Greater eelpout | – |
Orcynopsis unicolor | Plain bonito | Ungestreifter Pelamide |
Argentina silus | Greater argentine | Goldlachs |
Leuciscus idus | Ide, orfe | Orfe |
Capros aper | Boarfish | Eberfisch |
Eumicrotremus spinosus | Spiny lumpsucker | – |
Polyprion americanus | Wreckfish | Wrackfish |
Phoxinus phoxinus | Minnow | Elritze |
Argyrosomus regium | Meagre, jewfish | Umberfish |
Myliobatis aquila | Eagle ray | Adlerrochen |
Salmo trutta | Trout | Forelle |
Trisopterus esmarkii | Norway pout | Sparling, Stintdorsch |
Anguilla anguilla | Eel | Aal |
Lycodes frigidus | – | – |
Lycodes pallidus | Pale eelpout | – |
Lycenchelys kolthoffi | – | – |
Lycodes rossi | Threespot eelpout | – |
Lycodonus flagellicauda | – | – |
Lycenchelys sarsii | – | – |
Lycodes vahlii gracilis | Vahl’s eelpout | – |
Zoarces viviparus | Viviparous blenny | Aalmutter |